Ridi Viharaya

Ridi viharaya is very famous temple among the sinhala Buddhists.it is situated in Kurunegala district and a village called Ridigama.the temple is categorized as "Rajamaha Vihara" because the maintenance of the temple is sponsored by the ancient kings in sri lanka.In the kandy times the temple becomes a "Raja maha vihara."Here we can see lot of rock paintings.there also we can a big cave.the temple is built with the cave.but today the rock paintings are destroyed. their colors are shaded.you can go to ridi viharaya by to ways.one is the new road.and other is the foot steps.nearly two thousands three hundred years ago sinhala buddhist monks was lived in this caves.one of the famous monk of them is Dhamma Rakkhithe thero.
Ridigama Temple
you can see some letters in the rocks.those can not readable because they are in a different letter system.the letters  were used in Anradhaparu Era in Sri Lanka.The history says that those letters are first used in the time of Dewanam Piyathissa.here we can see Brahmi Letters that was used in ancient Sri Lanka.they are curved in rock caves.there are nearly Twenty Five rock caves in this place.The main temple is situated under a large rock cave.The theme of most rock paintings are Lord Buddha.According to the Arts we can see the Artist must have a good talent to do a good art like this.there are manny buddha statues.on the other hand we can see some statues of gods.on the other hand we can see some "Brahmi Scripts " inside some caves there.there some flower pantings.we can see five buddha satatues standing inside the temples.according to the Mahawansa the statues were painted in gold.the statues were recognized as the five Buddhas.On the other hand you can see some pained tiles.they shows the life of   Jesus Crist.you can see some elephant tusk curvings.they are take in a glass box for the protection of this curvings.You can see the famous curving called "Panchanarighataya".means five womens in a pot.the paintings were painted by Dewaragampala Silwaththana.in some paintings the War of Rawana is painted.there are two dagobas in this temple.one is situated in the temple and other is situated in the Sarasamugala Rock.first dagoba we can see inside the cave.it is protected by the cave.on other hand we can see some rock around the temple.they are Dolukanda,Ritigala Kanda,Atipola Kanda and aome other rocks.Here we can see a strange temple.it is called "Waraka Waldu wiharaya".According to falktales It got it names beacause Indraguptha maharath Thero have surved jackfruit here.jak fruit is called "Waraka".This wiharaya got the shape of the Hindu architecture designs.Ridi Viharaya means Silver Temple.How It got its name?Once upon time of the king Dutugamunu.A salesman was going to Malaya Rata in ancient sri lanka.when its dark he and his people stay near a place to ridigama temple.when he was in there he saw a jackfruit there.and when he is going to eat he a rahath monks were attended there.Indraguptha rahath thero was in there and the saleman surved jack fruit to the monks.after he is going to leave monks show a road to go.when he was going through the way he saw some silver source in a cave.King dutugamunu came there and developed the temple and the silver were used to build the Ruwanweli saya one of the greatest dagobas in Sri Lanka.

Horton plains

Horton plains National Park or Horton Plains is a place where having rich biodiversity and it is situated in up country in Sri Lanka.there we can find many species and most of them are endemic to Sri Lanka.to go there you have to pass 32 kilometres from Nuwara Eliya Town.Nuwara Eliya is one of the best place to stay.beacause it feels so good to our healthy life.Ohiya is one of the place and from there you have to go nearly 6 kilometres.when we reach there we feel it is a very big place.feels so cold.the water is very fresh.when you drink once you want to drink again.the area is covered with clouds.when the clouds spread you can not see even the nearest your partner.it is a thick white cloudy cover.you can find the three major rivers here.they are Mahaweli,Kelani and Walawe.their birth place is the Horton Plains.On the other hand you can see lot of deers here.they come near of us and eat grasses.there are many groups of them.
The Deers
people go near them and get some photos.many children likes to see them very closer.you can see lot of beautiful rivers in there.they are flowing through the plain.the water is fresh black.when you see the water you can feel the freshness of the water.fully naturally purified water.steep foot paths in there.you go go through them.some times you have jump and walk.muddy places,bushes and stones you can see.what a beautiful place.you can see a very beautiful water fall in here.it is called " Baker's Fall".

Bakers Fall
you can go near it.it is much higher but not like Bambarakanda waterfall.there is a stage already built there go near it and watch.the water is very fresh and cool.you can also drink some water.there are many kind of trees there.in the rivers you can see fishes.They are "Trout Fishes".but some times you are not lucky see one of them.wait some times and you will be actually see them.there are some small bridges.on the other hand you can see some small water edges.you can go through it or use the near road.but feel the cool water to your legs.on the other hand you can see ponds.they are rich of clear water and trees.there depth is not high.you can see it's yellow color sand through the fresh water.one tree you can see every where it is called "Maha Rathmal".
The Streams
It's has a dark red color flower.a bunch of flowers.it's leaves seems very thick.after you go into the Horton Plains you will reach a magnificent place called "World's End".you can see the area and it is large mountain top.you can see the below from top of the mountain.how much you go but you do not get tired.it is the feel of the good environment.you can also feel the breeze.when you walking you can see the jungle far away.the ground is gleaming like a golden ground.the jungle is dark green color.from the entrance you feels the difference of the place.there are roads through the area.some time cross footpaths.you can use the main paths or can use small paths.after 3 or 4 pm the area is covering with the clouds.you will a small rain there.that disturbs you to walk or you feel cold.you can get a refreshment there.but please do not put any polythene materials there beacause it will affect the animals and trees in the plains.please do not put plastic bottles here and there.they will pollute the beautiful place.some times some people throw away some foods with polythene sheet.the deers will eat with the plastic papers and they get sick and died.so it s very harmful to the animals.so protect the Horton Plains and reserve it for our future generations.

Bambarakanda waterfall

Now we are going to know about bambaraknda waterfall.it is situated in Sri Lanka in Badulla district.it is the highest waterfall in Sri Lanka. which is nearly 240 meters long.it is flowing down from a huge rock.rocks are like a man made creation.in the middle of the waterfall the stones are very thick.normally water comes down slowly that does not harm us.but in the rainy season it carry a huge amount of water down.so it is not good to go near.the above fallen water gather into a rock space like a pond.the area is covered with water and three to higher water level from the ground.but space where the water hits ground has more depth than other area and it seems black.that tells us that place has higher depth.the waterfall situvated area is called "Kalupahana".

Clear view
it births from the Haputale mountain and joins with the walawe river which is one of the main river in Sri Lanka.the small water stream is called Kuda Oya.that place is very called the area is covered with trees.and there is a small stage to see the waterfall.when going to see the waterfall from the road you can see it flows from the hills above.from the road you have to go from a steep foot path.the waterfall is very beautiful.

The waterfall
it is not a wide waterfall.in dry season the waterfall is very small.we can find the type of the water fall is according to the shape is horsetail.you can rest there and feel the freedom of nature.the waterfall is covered with some mountains.the area is covered with nice color green trees.you can feel the cold breeze in there.bird sounds are very good to hear from the jungle.the area is a foggy area.you can see every where is covered with green color.waterfall flows in few paths some are small and same are spread.water comes down and hits the black rock.when you go below the water fall you can see how is it tall.you can hear its mighty sound.you will feel that a giant is standing in front of you.the area is very rocky and soil seems yellow color.you have get some tickets from a small green counter.near the counter there is a small path.there are some foot steps.
Nice surroundings
the top of the mountains is covered with white clouds.they are moving very quickly.the road is also fully with rocks.when we go through the road you can see huge rock in the two sides of the road.the area also filly covered with green bushes.you can feel the cold water.there are some kind of water creatures there.fishes,snakes and other kind of snails which are native to the area.if there is a rain it is very hard to go there beacause the area gets muddy.the rocks below the waterfall is greasy.to go there you will be very careful.there is also a board mounted to warn get bath in there is very dangerous.you can see different kind of trees among those you can see some areconut trees.sky is full of clouds.among other waterfalls it is a very beautiful one.it is the highest waterfall in Sri Lanka.you must visit there to feel the great inventions of nature.

The Wesak decorations

Wesak festival is on every year May.During the wesak festival we celebrate the birth,enlightenment,attend to nibbana (parinirvana)of Lord Buddha.as children it is a very busy month for them.they go to temples to worship Lord Buddha.on the other hand they participate in sil campaigns.during the two days people are very busy.they organize Dhansal.that they freely offer every one foods,flowers from their pure mind.children make wesak lanterns.there are many kind of wesak lanterns.in the shops we can see the ready made wesak lanterns.but children like to build their own lanterns.they make them with the help from their parents or elders.first they get some sticks from bamboo tree.they make some squares,stars using these sticks.they bind them using threads tightly.after they match color papers and decorate them as they wish.some people make bulb veins.they are full of small color bulbs.some are called automatic bulbs.after the power is on the bulbs on and off according to many beautiful patterns.children are very happy to see that.on the other hand people make pandols they are huge bulb structures represents the main incidents of buddha's life or incidents come from the jathaka potha.they are very beautiful to see.there is a short descriptions are also attached to pandols using voice.during these wesak days Buddhist people go to worship Lord Buddha.

Wesak Lantern

the temples also covered with color bulbs.pagodas are very beautiful to see when the bulbs are on.people wear white clothes and go to temples.during the wesak day there are lot of bana deshana and pirith deshanas.when we come outside in those days in Buddhist homes we can see lot of colorful decorations.some trees are covered with bulbs some streets are also fully covered with decorated bulbs.some people hange on trees color buckets.buckets are also simple structures and they are covered with color oil papers.when they lightened up with a bulb we can see the color of the oil paper very brightly.

Decorations at night

most people go on trips to many temples so roads are very busy.some people go pilgrimages.in village elder people get together and discuss where they want to go on next wesak day.they also discuss the what are the important places that they want to see.they hire a bus or van and they go to worship the places as a team.in this month shops are full of wesak decorations.small children are very happy to see them.they always try to make some wesak decorations and put them in their home at night.they use colorful bulbs.during these days night is not dark every where every thing is gleaming with beautiful wesak decorations.in these days it is very nice to walk along the roads.we can see the light of full moon and the cool breeze going with the smell of fragrant sticks.there are in different types of good smells.children enjoy these days through the night.they get toys and eat food from the shops.wesak day decorations are very important part of children's life. 

Strangers of night

When the sun is going after doing his job.the environment becomes dark.trees are getting ready to face dark.they change their shapes of the leaves.ants are going to their homes.the birds also going to their homes.in the morning the birds come and find their foods but when the dark is coming they leaves the place.most of them are parrots,crows and other kind of birds.they usually come as couples.some times as a set of birds which contains ten or more members.when they are leaving we can here the sounds.in harvesting times their arrivals are very high because they can find their foods.but at nights a stranger comes into the village the bats.some bats are small and some bats are big.when night comes they comes but one by one not as the birds come as groups.they fly in to fruit trees to eat fruits.mangoes,nuts,jack fruits those are some common trees for bats.ah another very important tree "rambutan" a kind of fruit that very difficult to protect from bats.people use bells in the trees to avoid bat come into the trees.through out the night they fly all over the sky like kings of the sky.they find trees which have something to eat.same bats eat fruits and some bats take some fruits and fly away.when they are flying they lost the fruit and the fruit will fell down some where.in the morning we can see how much damage they have done to the fruit tree.

they also shouting when they are on the trees through out the silent night it is a big noise.usually their arrivals are more in fruit seasons. jack fruit is the most favorite fruit of bats.they can eat more and more.not like other fruits they can end their hungry very quickly.more and more bats are coming.so where are these bats are in the daytime.near the village there are some rivers.in the edge of the rivers there are shady trees when we take a look at these trees carefully we see some black objects which are some times moving.those are bats who spend the day time.there rest place at night is these trees.in the day time it is very hot so they move their hands and get some cool winds to their body.

they can not fly very high.even they can fly the level of top of trees.but they have a big problem.when they go very low height they blocked by the current electricity wires.they get died.when some times see some bats are hanging in the light poles because they have died of high electricity shock.its face is like a cat not as same but it is a mammal so the only difference is it can fly.it cannot move his wings very fast as birds.in the edge of the wings there is a very small hand.with using it they can move through the trees.get and eat some fruits.there are different kind of bats.and there is a very small type of bat in our houses.they lives in our home gardens.when the night comes they become active.they also eat fruits.some kind of insects.the termites which are coming in rainy season with wings are very favorite food of these kind of bats.they fly here and there and catch them.

when the sun comes to give light.the bats stop their job and they return their home before the sunset.if they remain after the sunset it will be harmful from the day time animals.they will be attacked by them.when the sun comes birds are now returning....hmm this is a one daily procedure in a village..

Rain is coming....

A one day for the village.farmers are going to their faddy fields to do their jobs.it is the end of the new year season.normally new year season starts in January of the year and it is going it's journey till May.After may the rainy season is looking up. boys starts to making kites because the wind is got angry.usually it is very important time for children they get together and make kites.there are many different kind of kites.some boys know how to make kites but some other do not know.they beg the other to make a kite that who is very fluent to make.coconut and kithul leaves are used to build the main part of a kite.they clean it using a very sharp knife.then bind well together with using white cotton threads that usually they can get from their homes.final part is very important part they match colors.red,blue,green,yellow those are very colorful kites.some other using clothes.they make kites and they give names for them.they use "naya" means Cobra,"Gemba" means Frog and "Monara" it's meaning is peacock.from these kites Monara is very beautiful as the real peacock.the demand for these kites are higher than other normal kites.girls also like to build kites but they do not know how to build so they tell their brothers to make them beautiful kites.to get the balance of the kite they use strip of color papers.they do not stick them they bind them in both sides using threads.

The wind is very hot because it is the beginning of the rainy season.in these times morning sunlight is very sharp and hot.but it is not for the boys who wants to fly kites.they hate the rain.beacause after a rain come they can not enjoy.some times their kites are damaged even they must build a new one.they think that it is very burden for them.when a rain comes the wind is very strong in this wind a kite cannot fly in the sky using a small thread.it cut off the thread and the kite fly itself in the sky so the children lost their kites.lost a kite is a very sad moment for a child to bear.he think few days about it after some time he decide to build a new one.morning a good sun shine but after noon it becomes flashing and sounds.these times children looking the sky from their homes until they can see a clear sky.they think tomorrow the another day that they can fly kites.after a kite is lost means a kite flew itself through the sky the kite blowing in the wind and go to a another place far away from the current.some times it may goes to a village which is two villages from the village which it was made.in that village a one boy or girl or a elder one get this kite.if it damaged he will repair it.some times they newly stick it using new color papers.the kite lost boy find it day by day.some times they find it but most times he lost the kite.after some times sun hides in the black clouds.a big rain is coming.farmers see that and quickly ready to stop their job for the day and prepare to go home.first it is small water drops and cool breeze but after some times it becomes very heavy.water flowing every where .the muddy faddy fields are full of water.the day is completely change as the sun never seen.

rain is going to start
Some lost kites are hanged on the trees.they are very tall trees no one can reach the branches to get the kite.it is only to watch.by this train children get ready for the next day.they make kites.not only a one but some boys have two or three kites as their choice.some boys very huge kites.to fly them three or four boys want.after it if flying in the sky it is very difficult to get it back to the ground.most those kind kites fly in the sky at night till next morning.when a kite went in to the above wind it never come back it becomes static.they use plastic papers to stick them because the papers cannot hold a very strong wind.Those times boys go boutiques very often to get the color papers.they also buy wheat flour.they mix small amount of wheat flour with hot water and prepare a gum to stick the color papers to the kite.now a new kite is ready.the god of rain please help me next day to fly my kite boys are thinking.....