Rain is coming....

A one day for the village.farmers are going to their faddy fields to do their jobs.it is the end of the new year season.normally new year season starts in January of the year and it is going it's journey till May.After may the rainy season is looking up. boys starts to making kites because the wind is got angry.usually it is very important time for children they get together and make kites.there are many different kind of kites.some boys know how to make kites but some other do not know.they beg the other to make a kite that who is very fluent to make.coconut and kithul leaves are used to build the main part of a kite.they clean it using a very sharp knife.then bind well together with using white cotton threads that usually they can get from their homes.final part is very important part they match colors.red,blue,green,yellow those are very colorful kites.some other using clothes.they make kites and they give names for them.they use "naya" means Cobra,"Gemba" means Frog and "Monara" it's meaning is peacock.from these kites Monara is very beautiful as the real peacock.the demand for these kites are higher than other normal kites.girls also like to build kites but they do not know how to build so they tell their brothers to make them beautiful kites.to get the balance of the kite they use strip of color papers.they do not stick them they bind them in both sides using threads.

The wind is very hot because it is the beginning of the rainy season.in these times morning sunlight is very sharp and hot.but it is not for the boys who wants to fly kites.they hate the rain.beacause after a rain come they can not enjoy.some times their kites are damaged even they must build a new one.they think that it is very burden for them.when a rain comes the wind is very strong in this wind a kite cannot fly in the sky using a small thread.it cut off the thread and the kite fly itself in the sky so the children lost their kites.lost a kite is a very sad moment for a child to bear.he think few days about it after some time he decide to build a new one.morning a good sun shine but after noon it becomes flashing and sounds.these times children looking the sky from their homes until they can see a clear sky.they think tomorrow the another day that they can fly kites.after a kite is lost means a kite flew itself through the sky the kite blowing in the wind and go to a another place far away from the current.some times it may goes to a village which is two villages from the village which it was made.in that village a one boy or girl or a elder one get this kite.if it damaged he will repair it.some times they newly stick it using new color papers.the kite lost boy find it day by day.some times they find it but most times he lost the kite.after some times sun hides in the black clouds.a big rain is coming.farmers see that and quickly ready to stop their job for the day and prepare to go home.first it is small water drops and cool breeze but after some times it becomes very heavy.water flowing every where .the muddy faddy fields are full of water.the day is completely change as the sun never seen.

rain is going to start
Some lost kites are hanged on the trees.they are very tall trees no one can reach the branches to get the kite.it is only to watch.by this train children get ready for the next day.they make kites.not only a one but some boys have two or three kites as their choice.some boys very huge kites.to fly them three or four boys want.after it if flying in the sky it is very difficult to get it back to the ground.most those kind kites fly in the sky at night till next morning.when a kite went in to the above wind it never come back it becomes static.they use plastic papers to stick them because the papers cannot hold a very strong wind.Those times boys go boutiques very often to get the color papers.they also buy wheat flour.they mix small amount of wheat flour with hot water and prepare a gum to stick the color papers to the kite.now a new kite is ready.the god of rain please help me next day to fly my kite boys are thinking.....

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